Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Memutar VCD di linux

hello guys...
long time no see :P
emmm... some day I have problem I to playing VCD in my linux, hemmm.... this make me dizzy....
but I found solved with installing VCDxrip this software make ripping VCD format to MPEG. ok follow me to installing vcdxrip in your linux

first you open terminal
and you install vcdxrip with

sudo apt-get install vcdimager
(I use Ubuntu)

after that you insert VCD
and you type command

vcdxrip -C

this command will change VCD format (.dat) to MPEG format (.mpg)
if ripping finish you will get file .mpg
ok example
I ripping in home

and now you can playing this file in your movie player
ok finish

oh ya sorry english language not good
akhir kata saya ucapkan selamat menonton film...

artikel ini saya ketik dengan keyboard saya sendiri :P

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